The management mode adopted by sport teams will have direct effects on team management per formance. Under the new situation, the development of competitive sports is bound to be an effective inte gration of training, research, health care, education, management and other aspects. Applying the literature review and investigation methods, based on the definition of inter-disciplinary coach team's concept, this paper discusses the management mode and its main functions of the inter-disciplinary coach team, analyzes the driving force mechanism, integrating mechanism, incentive mechanism, controlling mechanism and guarantee mechanism. The analysis result indicates that the interdisciplinary coach team is a new and effective management for outstanding sports teams. It is characterized by multi-disciplinary, multi level members of the research group to form working situations which is an integration of training research, medicine,teaching,management and collective decision-making and achieve the purpose of the manage ment of sports training. The core problems for inter-disciplinary coach team include reinforcing influence management of the leader, handling the relationship inside and outside the team, motivating the team, distributing the responsibility and assessment, and paying more attention to its sustainable development. It suggests that,combining the characteristics of sports, the specific goal of training and human resources situation,we should promote the inter-disciplinary coach team mode selectively.
Journal of Capital University of Physical Education and Sports
elite sport team
management of sport team
inter-disciplinary coach team
management mode
operating mechanism