
热量限制在老年慢性疾病患者中的临床应用研究 被引量:1

Caloric restriction for senile chronic diseases:a clinical applied research
摘要 目的观察热量限制在老年慢性疾病患者中的营养支持效果。方法选择老年鼻饲患者72例,随机分为热量限制组与非热量限制组,观测两组的营养指标变化及并发症发生率。结果鼻饲2个月后,热量限制组血红蛋白、血清总蛋白、血清白蛋白、前白蛋白分别为(125.09±14.41)g/L、(60.45±4.68)g/L、(35.90±5.84)g/L、(239.11±50.21)mg/L,非热量限制组分别为(126.01±14.11)g/L、(61.44±5.11)g/L、(35.64±6.01)g/L、(249.71±56.84)mg/L,两组比较差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05);非热量限制组恶心呕吐、腹胀腹泻、吸入性肺炎、高血糖、高血脂等并发症的发生率明显增高,与热量限制组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论热量限制有利于延长患者寿命,推迟和降低多种老年慢性疾病的发生发展。 Objective To evaluate the effect of caloric restriction on the senile chronic diseases.Methods 72 selected senile patients were divided into 2 groups,namely the calorie restriction group and the non-calorie restriction group.Nutritional support was given by nasal feeding.The change of the nutritive index and the incidence of complications were recorded.Results The hematochrome,total serum protein,serum albumin,prealbumin and other biochemical indexes in the caloric restriction was (125.09±14.41)g/L,(60.45±4.68)g/L,(35.90±5.84)g/L and (239.11±50.21)mg/L and the non-calorie restriction was (126.01±14.11)g/L,(61.44±5.11)g/L,(35.64±6.01)g/L and (249.71±56.84)mg/L.There were no significant different betwwen 2 groups(P﹥0.05).The incidence of nausea and vomiting,abdominal distension and diarrhea,inhalation pneumonia,hyperglycemia,hyperlipemia and other complications increased apparently in the non-calorie restriction group(P0.05).Conclusion Caloric restriction is advantageous in prolonging the patient's life.It can postpone/reduce the incidence and progression of multiple senile chronic diseases.
出处 《热带医学杂志》 CAS 2011年第8期931-933,共3页 Journal of Tropical Medicine
关键词 热量限制 老年 慢性病 caloric restriction senile chronic diseases
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