

The intensity of Research and Development,the Technology Transfer and the Energy Consumption:a Literature Review
摘要 基于环境方程与现代内生增长理论,采用1953~2009年的时间序列数据对CO2排放量的决定因素进行考察表明:我国CO2排放量与研发强度、技术转移和对外国先进技术的消化吸收能力显著负相关,同时也证实能源消费增长是CO2排放量增长的重要原因。 This study attempts to explore the determinants of CO 2 emissions in China using aggregate data during 1953-2009.It combines the environmental literature with modern endogenous growth theories,the results indicate that CO 2 emissions in China are negatively related to research intensity,technology transfer and the absorptive capacity of the economy to assimilate foreign technology.Our findings also indicate that more energy use tends to cause more CO 2 emissions.
作者 魏彦杰 钟娟
出处 《改革》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第9期121-125,共5页 Reform
关键词 环境污染 内生增长理论 技术转移 研发强度 environmental pollution Endogenous Growth Theory technology transfer research intensity
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