

The Teaching Brain in the Digital Era
摘要 随着人类迈入数字化时代,数字化的工作平台在"心智、脑与教育"科学领域也逐渐得到普及。教育是人类的希望,未来的教育得依靠这些学科之间的不断融合。在全球化时代,教师正面临着新的教学方法上的挑战。虽然我们已经对学习脑做了大量的研究,但是与之相对应的教学脑的知识却相当匮乏。目前,我们正在教育领域努力扩大这个持续而广泛普及的数字化教育平台,让孩子们在学习的同时,也可以进行教学与实验。 With the development of society, the digital environment is becoming the common ground for the mind, brain andeducation sciences. We think that the future of education will depend on the increasing mtegratoon of mese sciences. And education is the hope of humanity. The teacher is facing new pedagogical challenges in a globalized world. We should however acknowledge the fact that while we have significant information about the learning brain, we lack a similar knowledge of the teaching brain. What we need now is a great effort to expand a sustainable and accessible digital environment in education where children can learn while teaching and experimenting.
出处 《全球教育展望》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第9期62-66,共5页 Global Education
基金 教育部人文社会科学规划项目(项目编号:10YJAZH139) 上海市教委科研创新项目的支持
关键词 数字化时代 教学脑 苏格拉底谈话录 儿童教学 digital age teaching brain Socratic Dialog children also teach
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