

How Natural Scientific Knowledge Influences Growth of the Electronic Device Market
摘要 假设研究活动存在与产品生命周期中的市场扩大现象相似的活跃化现象,按照时间序列对电子元器件领域的评审论文篇数和注册专利件数的增减情况进行了分析。由分析结果可知:在市场真正产生前,评审论文篇数和注册专利件数剧增;同时,在这些剧增的论文和专利中,有很多研究给商品化和商业化带来了巨大影响。这些与商品化和商业化有关的信息,不仅包括对产品制造业有用的信息,而且还包括对支撑产品制造业的设备产业同样有用的信息。因此,将本分析法作为考量新事业进入机会的客观方法推荐给大家。 In this study, we hypothecate that exponential increase of peer-reviewed natural scientific papers or registered U. S. patents exist before the science-based industries markets start substantially,because the growth of the industries strongly depends on progress of natural science. In a predicable way, the increase curve of the papers and the patents similar to product life cycle (PLC), are observed in time series. In the rapid increase regime, mass production technologies account for a large population, which realize commercialization of the industries products. Furthermore, it is clarified that the technologies dominantly consist with improvement of reliability and technical advantages for end product, and manufacturing facilities base on the depth analysis of the information. From the results, it is proposed that above new meteorology is as an objective scientific metrology that provides a great value of guideline for the growth of the industries from products manufactures and supporting area.
出处 《管理学报》 CSSCI 2011年第10期1487-1494,共8页 Chinese Journal of Management
关键词 科学依存型产业 评审论文 注册专利 产品生命周期 LSI LED FPD MEMS science based industry peer reviewed paper registered patent product life cycle LSI LED MEMS
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