5Fi Sibley, (2001) "Aesthetic and Non-aesthetic," John Benson, Betty Redfern, and Jeremy Roxbee (eds.) Approach to Aesthetics, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
6Strawson, Peter (1974) "Aesthetic Appraisal and Works of Art," Strawson, Freedom and Resentment, London: Methuen - Mothersill, Mary (1961) "Critical Reasons," Philosophical Quarterly, vol. 11, pp.74-78.
7Wollheim, Richard (1980), Art and its Objects, Cambridge: Cambridge UniVersity Press, p.233.
8Livingston, Paisley (2003)"An Apparent Truism in Aesthe@s," British Journal of Aesthetics, vol.3, pp. 260--278.
9Kant; Immanuel (1793/2000) Critique of the Power of Judgment, (trans.) Paul Guyer and Erie Matthews. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
10Wittgenstein(1967), Lectures and Conversations on Aesthetics, Psychology and ReligiouS Belief, C. Barrett(ed.); University of California hess, p.2.