

Novel Indentation Techniques for Measurement of Soft Tissue Elasticity:A Brief Introduction
摘要 印压是一种常用的测量软组织弹性特征的测试方法,除了2011年第7期介绍的传统印压测试方法外,近来,还出现了一些新型的印压技术,如超声印压、光学印压、流体印压和纳米印压等。这些新型印压技术具有某些自己独特的优点,如超声印压系统便携性高,能够同时获得组织的初始厚度和形变,可以应用于多种组织的弹性测量;纳米印压能够非常小范围(微米或纳米级)地测量组织的弹性,可以分析组织的弹性分布,研究局部组织结构和弹性之间的关系。本文对这些技术及应用作一些介绍,最后讨论该领域的发展方向。 Indentation is a common method for the measurement of soft tissue elasticity.In addition to the traditional indentation methods that were introduced in issue7,some novel indentation techniques are emerging in recent years,for example,the ultrasound indentation,optical indentation,fluid-jet indentation and nanoindentation.All these techniques have their specific advantages,for example,the ultrasound indentation system is portable,able to measure the initial thickness and deformation simultaneously and appropriate for measurement of different kinds of soft tissues,while the nanoindentation can measure the elasticity in a very small region(in micro-or nano-scale),analyze the mapping of elasticity,and is suitable for studying the relationship between local structures and elasticity.This paper introduces these novel indentation techniques and their applications,and the future development of this field is discussed at the end.
出处 《中国医疗设备》 2011年第9期1-11,共11页 China Medical Devices
基金 香港研究资助局(PolyU5354/08E) 香港理工大学(J-BB69)支持
关键词 弹性 弹性测量 印压 超声印压 光学印压 水冲印压 气冲印压 纳米印压 杨氏模量 泊松比 粘弹性 elasticity elasticity measurement indentation ultrasound indentation optical indentation water-jet indentation air-jet indentation nanoindentation Young's modulus poisson's ratio viscoelasticity
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