
小型猪体外循环下心脏手术的麻醉 被引量:3

Anesthesia in Cardiopulmonary Surgery on Minipigs
摘要 目的研究医学手术实验用小型猪体外循环下心脏手术的麻醉管理及麻醉效果。方法实验用小型猪34例,分为CPB下停跳组手术组(停跳组,18例)及CPB下并行手术组(并行组,16例),行自体心包片三尖瓣置换术。记录实验中麻醉药物及血管活性药用量,基础麻醉、麻醉维持及麻醉苏醒时间,术后3天、一周存活状况等,并评价基础麻醉及全麻效果。结果 34例均在全麻下顺利完成手术,各期血流动力学平稳,仅停跳组一例术后3天内死亡,存活率97.1%,麻醉效果良好。结论合理的麻醉药物与血管活性药物的联合应用,仔细的临床观察与正确而迅速的处理是小型猪体外循环下心脏手术麻醉的关键。 Objective To investigate the anesthesia management and effect of cardiopulmonary bypass(CPB) on minipigs.Methods Thirty-four laboratory minipigs were divided into two groups: the cardiac arrest group(18 pigs) underwent tricuspid valve replacement with autologous pericardium under cardiopulmonary bypass,and the parallel group(16 pigs) receiving the tricuspid valve replacement with autologous pericardium and CPB in parallel.The dosages of anesthetics and vasoactive drugs,maintenance times of basic anesthesia and general anesthesia,recovery time after anesthesia,survival rates at 3 days and 1 week and hemodynamics of each period were recorded,and the effects of basic anesthesia and general anesthesia were evaluated.Results All the 34 minipigs underwent surgery under general anesthesia smoothly with stable hemodynamics in each period,with only one pig died 3 days after the surgery.The survival rate was 97.1%.The anesthesia effect was satisfactory.Conclusions Rational and combined adoption of anesthetics and vasoactive drugs,careful observation and swift and right treatments are key points of successful cardiac surgery anesthesia under cardiopulmonary bypass on minipigs.
出处 《中国比较医学杂志》 CAS 2011年第8期31-34,43,共5页 Chinese Journal of Comparative Medicine
关键词 小型猪 麻醉 体外循环 心脏手术 Minipigs Anesthesia Cardiac surgery Cardiopulmonary bypass CPB
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