
实验动物细菌学监测工作中存在的问题及建议 被引量:7

Problems and Suggestions for Bacteriological Quality Monitoring of Laboratory Animals in China
摘要 实验动物细菌学质量控制标准是评价实验动物质量的重要指标,本文在分析发达国家实验动物质量标准的基础上,结合目前的检测现状,对我国实验动物细菌学监测标准在检测项目、检测方法、检测频率、取样要求等方面存在的问题进行了分析并提出建议。 The standards of bacteriological quality monitoring of laboratory animals are very important index to evaluate the quality of laboratory animals.Based on the analysis of the standards of microbiological quality monitoring of laboratory animals in developed countries,in this paper,we will discuss some current problems such as test item,test methods,test frequency and sampling method and make suggestions for bacteriological quality monitoring of laboratory animals in China.
作者 张丽芳
出处 《中国比较医学杂志》 CAS 2011年第8期74-78,共5页 Chinese Journal of Comparative Medicine
关键词 动物 实验 细菌学 监测 Laboratory animals Bacteriology Quality monitoring
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