The first half year of 2011 has already passed.Economic index indicated that,during the first six months,the whole textile and apparel industry saw a stable upturn development: the total industrial output realized 2502.24 billion yuan,saw a growth of 30% comparing with the same period of time of 2010;the sales reached 2441.86 billion yuan,witnessing a year-on-year rise of 30%;the export of textile and apparel totalized 114.54 billion USD,representing an increase of 25.4% year-on-year;and the above-designated sized textile enterprises realized a total profi t of 122.51 billion yuan,increasing by 41.3% year-on-year.
The first half year of 2011 has already passed.Economic index indicated that,during the first six months,the whole textile and apparel industry saw a stable upturn development: the total industrial output realized 2502.24 billion yuan,saw a growth of 30% comparing with the same period of time of 2010;the sales reached 2441.86 billion yuan,witnessing a year-on-year rise of 30%;the export of textile and apparel totalized 114.54 billion USD,representing an increase of 25.4% year-on-year;and the above-designated sized textile enterprises realized a total profi t of 122.51 billion yuan,increasing by 41.3% year-on-year.