
EGFR、GnRHR和LRP在卵巢癌中的表达及临床意义 被引量:2

Expression and significance of EGFR,GnRHR and LRP in ovarian cancer
摘要 目的:探讨EGFR、GnRHR和LRP在上皮性卵巢癌中的表达及临床意义。方法:采用免疫组化S-P法检测10例正常卵巢组织、10例卵巢良性上皮性肿瘤和50例上皮性卵巢癌的石蜡包埋标本中EGFR、CmRHR和LRP的表达情况,通过统计学方法分析其表达与临床各种病理因素指标、化疗耐药及患者生存预后的关系。结果:卵巢癌中EGFR、GnRHR和LRP的表达明显高于良性组和正常组,EGFR的表达随着期别的增高而增加。EGFR表达阳性的卵巢癌术后生存率明显低于EGFR阴性表达的患者,LRP和GnRHR表达阳性的患者与表达阴性者生存率差异无统计学意义。EGFR和LRP表达阴性者化疗有效率分别明显高于二者表达阳性者。结论:EGFR在不同分期卵巢癌中的差异性表达也许可作为评判肿瘤恶性程度的指标,并可能成为卵巢癌的治疗新靶点。卵巢癌组织中GnRHR表达的阳性率与癌细胞的分化程度有一定关系,LRP在上皮性卵巢癌中的表达与化疗疗效密切相关,可用于临床预测化疗的敏感性。 Objective:To study the expressions and significance of EGFR,GnRHR and LRP in epithelial ovarian cancer. Methods:To analyze the expression of EGFR,GnRHR and LRP in 50 ovarian specimens,10 normal,and 10 benign by S-P immuno-histochemstry.All the clinical information of the patients,including the level of FIGO,the disease type,the grades of tissue differentiation,with or without lymph node metastasis,the surgery method,the effectiveness and resistance of the recent chemotherapy,and the survival rate,were collected and statistically analyzed. Results:①The positive rates of EGFR,GnRHR and LRP were significantly higher in patients with ovarian carcinoma than those with benign rumors and normal controls.②The expression of EGFR was correlated with the clinical stage.③The survival rate of the ovarian cancer surgery of patients with positive EGFR was lower than those with negative EGFR.The survival rate of the patients with positive LRP and GnRHR was same as those with negative LRP and GnRHR.The effectiveness of chemotherapy was statistically higher when EGFR and LRP expression are negative. Conclusion:①The expressions of EGFR in ovarian carcinoma are positively correlated to the level of FIGO,the malignant grade,prognosis and the effectiveness and resistance of chemotherapy.②The expression of GnRHR in ovarian cancer is related to grades of tissue differentiation.The expression level of LRP in ovarian cancers is strongly correlated to chemotherapy effectiveness and resistance.Monitoring those expressions may help predicting the sensitivity of chemotherapy.
出处 《中国妇幼保健》 CAS 北大核心 2011年第26期4074-4077,共4页 Maternal and Child Health Care of China
基金 全军医药卫生科研基金资助项目〔06MB215〕
关键词 原发性上皮性卵巢癌 表皮生长因子受体 促性腺激素释放激素受体 肺耐药蛋白 化疗耐药 Primary epithelial ovarian carcinoma EGFR GnRHR LRP Chemotherapy resistance
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