

Cai Yuanpei:Before and After the Revolution of 1911
摘要 1911年10月10日,辛亥革命爆发。此时远在德国游学的蔡元培得到革命军已攻克武昌、汉阳等消息时,竟"喜而不寐",决计回国。回国之后,立即开始走访故旧、调和南北,不分早晚地奔波于沪宁道上。中华民国临时政府于1912年1月1日在南京宣告成立,蔡元培任教育部总长。但是政府内派系纷争,政见不一,蔡元培感到难有作为,于是辞职,并于1912年9月16日再次赴德游学。此后,几度往返于国内外。蔡元培在辛亥革命前后的行止作为,在世人面前展现了一个爱国者为救国救民、上下求索的漫漫之路。虽一路坎坷,困难重重,志士初衷不改,操守不变,为后人所景仰。 The Revolution of 1911 broke out on October 10, that year. At that time, Cai Yuanpei was making a study tour in Germany. When he heard the news about the Revolutionary Army' s conquer of Wuchang and Hankou, he was so delighted that he couldn't go to sleep and he decided to go back to China. Immediately after he returned home, he started to visit his former friends and colleagues, and mediate between the governments in North China and South China, getting himself busy all day long on the way between Shanghai and Nanking. On January 1st, 1912, the Provisional Government of the Republic of China was announced to be established. Cai was appointed the Minister of Education. As there were factional disputes and diverse political views within the provisional government, Cai found it difficult to get anywhere in office and then resigned from the government. On September 16, 1912, he went to Germany to make another study tour, during which he came back home and went abroad several times. What Cai did before and after the Revolution of 1911 presented the people a long way on which a patriot sought up and down to save his country and his people. Though there were setbacks and difficulties on his way, Cai Yuanpei, as a man of strong will, never changed his determination, nor gave up morality, and therefore was highly respected by the people who came afterwards.
作者 郭建荣
机构地区 北京大学校史馆
出处 《北京大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第5期93-100,共8页 Journal of Peking University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
关键词 辛亥革命 蔡元培 救国救民 上下求索 爱国者 Revolution of 1911, Cai Yuanpei, save the country and save the people, seek up anddown, patriot
  • 相关文献


  • 1高平叔.北京大学的蔡元培时代,《蔡元培研究集》,北京:北京大学出版社1999年版,第122页.
  • 2蔡元培.为自费游学德国请学部给予咨文呈,《蔡元培全集》第1卷,第452页.
  • 3金克木.《文化之谜:传统文化·外来文化》,《百年投影》,北京:北京大学出版社1997年版,第30页.
  • 4蔡元培.《学风》杂志发刊词,《蔡元培全集》第2卷,杭州:浙江教育出版社1997年版,第290-294页.
  • 5蔡元培.日记,《蔡元培全集》第15卷,杭州:浙江教育出版社1998年版,第436页.
  • 6蔡元培.函电,《蔡元培全集》第10卷,杭州:浙江教育出版社1998年版,第102页.
  • 7蔡元培.自写年谱.高平叔.蔡元培全集(7)[C],北京:中华书局,1989.312.
  • 8蔡元培.《我在北京大学的经历》,见《蔡元培全集》,第7卷,第501—502页,杭州,浙江教育出版社,1997.
  • 9蔡元培.试卷,《蔡元培全集》第1卷,杭州:浙江教育出版社1997年版,第2页.
  • 10蔡元培.口述传略(上),《蔡元培先生纪念集》,北京:中华书局1984年版,第251页.









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