
轴流压气机失速特征识别 被引量:9

Identification of stall characteristics of axial flow compressor
摘要 为了能够准确识别压气机旋转失速过程中失速团的数目,将压气机旋转失速过程中脉动压力波动的相位和幅值特征绘制在极坐标中,然后根据其在极坐标图中表现出来的特征来确定失速团的数目.经过与传统方法对比说明该分析方法对于失速团数目的确定优于原有的方法,具有抗噪性和一定的精度.另外,使用该方法可以可视化周向失速分布区域,并能可视化压气机失速先兆的发生和发展. In order to identify the number of stall cells during rotating stall process, a method was presented in this paper. Firstly, the phase and amplitude characteristics of pres sure fluctuation during stall process were drew in the polar coordinate, and then the number of stall cells was obtained by judging the waveform displayed. After comparison with the traditional method, it shows that this method for determining the number of stall cell is better than original one thanks to its noise immunity and certain degree of precision. Besides, the method can also visualize the areas of stall in circumference and occurrence and development of stall inception in compressor.
作者 王春瑞 岳林
出处 《航空动力学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第8期1887-1892,共6页 Journal of Aerospace Power
关键词 压气机 失速团数目 失速先兆 旋转失速 极坐标 compressor the number of stall cell stall inception rotating stall polar coordinate
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