

Macromolecules with Cyclodextrin as End Group or Core
摘要 综述了以环糊精为端基的线形大分子和以环糊精为核的星型大分子的合成技术及功能。现有研究表明其合成方法主要以可控/"活性"自由基聚合、活性阴离子聚合为主。以环糊精为端基和以环糊精为核的大分子作为一类功能型聚合物,兼具了环糊精分子与聚合物母体的功能及特点,可在一定条件下实现对客体分子的包合,增强生物相容性及高效的基因传递能力;这一类大分子还适于作为前驱体参与构筑环糊精超分子,实现诸如对双客体分子的包合及多重的环境响应性等功能。 Methods of preparing cyclodextrin(CD)-ended linear macromolecules and star-shaped macromolecules with CD-core were summarized.Controlled/"living" radical polymerization and living anionic polymerization were the main approaches for synthesizing these macromolecules.As a type of functional polymer,CD-ended linear macromolecules and star-shaped macromolecules with CD-core combined the characteristics of both CD itself and polymers which bonded to the CD molecule.Functions like molecule inclusion,enhanced biocompatibility and high-efficiency gene delivery could be easily realized by them.At the same time,the location of CD moiety(end of the chain or center of the molecule) in these macromolecules determined that they could be used to construct functional supermolecules.The supermolecules with CD moiety could obtain some other functions including the abilities of inclusion two types of guest molecule or multi-response to the environment.
出处 《化学通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第9期791-796,共6页 Chemistry
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(21004049) 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划项目(2010JQ2002) 中国博士后科学基金特别项目(201003684)资助
关键词 环糊精 可控/“活性”自由基聚合 活性阴离子聚合 线形大分子 星型大分子 Cyclodextrin Controlled/"living" radical polymerization Living anionic polymerization Linear macromolecule Star-shaped macromolecule
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