
亚硫酸盐氧化气液反应过程模型研究 被引量:3

Modelling Study of Sulfite Oxidation Gas-Liquid Reaction
摘要 亚硫酸盐氧化是湿法烟气脱硫的重要反应过程,本文建立了该反应过程的物理模型,包括氧的相间传质扩散、本征化学反应和亚硫酸根扩散这三个步骤,宏观反应速率由其中最慢的一个步骤来决定,反应分为不同的控制阶段。在双膜理论和质量守恒理论的基础上,建立了稳态单气泡吸收过程的数学模型。在动力学控制阶段,反应速率与气泡的半径呈0阶关系;在扩散控制阶段,反应速率与气泡的半径呈-1阶关系。通过单气泡反应装置进行实验验证,实验结果与模型求解结果一致。 A steady bubble gas-liquid mass transfer model for studying wet limestone scrubbing is established based on the film theory and the principle of mass conservation.The sulfite oxidation reaction rate is affected by the concentration of sulfite,bubble size,and the mass diffusion coefficient. The reaction order with respect to bubble radius is 0 during the kinetics controlled process, and -1 during the diffusion controlled process.The oxidation rate was experimentally studied by contacting pure oxygen with sodium sulfite solution.Experimental results show good agreement with theoretical calculation.It has been found that the bubble size,rather than the mass transfer coefficient,plays a more significant role in controlling the overall rate of mass transfer in the system.
出处 《工程热物理学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第10期1753-1756,共4页 Journal of Engineering Thermophysics
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(No.50906044)
关键词 传质 反应速率 扩散 单气泡模型 mass transfer reaction rate diffusion bubble system model
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