介绍了一种基于软件无线电多制式短波电台的高效数字上变频的设计与实现,利用Matlab整定滤波器参数,并在quartus II开发环境下构建系统模型以及在modelsim软件下进行仿真。结果表明:基于FPGA设计的数字上变频器能够满足多制式短波电台性能指标要求,并且减少了硬件资源消耗,具有灵活性、通用性高和修改参数方便等特点。
A design and realization of high efficiency digital up conversion on multi-standard short-wave radio software radio is introduced in the paper. Combined Matlab turning filter parameters, the system model is built in quartus II and simulated in modelsim, the result of simulation indicates that high efficiency digital up conversion based on FPGA satisfies the performance requirements of standard short-wave radio and reduces hardware resource consumption. The design is characteristic of flexibility, universality and easy parameter modification.
Audio Engineering