

A survey on knowledge of intrauterine devices in pre and post-menopause women
摘要 目的:通过问卷调查了解深圳市南山区各社区绝经前后已放置宫内节育器的妇女避孕知识知晓情况,并促进其及时将宫内节育器取出,降低并发症的发生。方法:利用2009年3月~2010年8月南山区各社区妇女健康普查平台,将年龄在45~62岁已采取宫内节育器避孕的妇女1595人,以自填式问卷进行避孕知识、宫内节育器相关知识调查分析。结果:实际问卷调查人数为1595人,无效问卷9份,有效问卷1586份。调查结果显示:社区绝经前后已放置宫内节育器的妇女超过50%以上知晓常见的避孕方法种类,其中45.63%的调查对象知晓宫内节育器的副作用、并发症及其优点;23.45%调查对象知晓各类宫内节育器的使用年限,87.14%的调查对象对宫内节育器满意。结论:已放置宫内节育器45~62岁的妇女避孕知识知晓率偏低,应加强放置宫内节育器妇女的避孕知识咨询、指导工作,以提高围绝经期及绝经后妇女生活质量。 Objectives: A questionnaire survey was performed to understand the contraception knowledge of pre and post - menopause women who have already been applied intrauterine devices in Nanshan District. Methods: During March 2009 to August 2010, Nanshan District women' s health survey platform was applied to investigate on 1595 women with IUD who aged between 45 and 62 for their contraception and IUD - related knowledge. Results: A total of 1586 valid questionnaire indicated that over 50% surveyed subjects with IUD knew about the eommordy used contraception types and methods. About 45.63% of the subjects understood the side effects, complications and advantages of intrauterine devices. 87.14% of the subjects showed satisfaction over IUD they used. Conclusion : Pre and post - menopause women with IUD have a limited knowledge about conception knowledge. Proper contraception knowledge education should be reinforced to promote the life quality of pre and post - menopause women.
出处 《中国性科学》 2011年第9期13-14,64,共3页 Chinese Journal of Human Sexuality
关键词 绝经前后妇女 避孕知识 调查 南山区 Pre and post - menopause women Contraception knowledge Survey Nanshan District
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