
基质浓度·电极距离·离子强度对MFC影响的研究 被引量:5

Influence of Substrate Concentration,Electrode Space and Ionic Strength on Microbial Fuel Cell
摘要 以宜兰酒厂废水处理厂的污泥为菌种来源,构建单槽无膜无介体空气阴极型微生物燃料电池(Microbial Fuel Cell,MFC),通过添加不同浓度的基质、改变阳极与阴极距离及添加不同浓度的NaCl,分别考察了基质浓度、电极距离、离子强度对MFC性能的影响。研究结果表明,伴随基质COD浓度的增加(从300 mg/L增到1 000 mg/L),库仑效率降低50%,但产电维持时间延长,COD去除率最高达92%;在一定电极距离内(18 cm到9 cm),伴随电极距离的减小,系统内阻减小,产电提高,最大功率密度从39.6 mW/m2增到73.2 mW/m2;当电极距离过短(6 cm)时,产电反而降低;当NaCl浓度为160 mmol/L时有最大功率密度,但是如果盐类浓度过强,会影响阳极生物膜微生物的活性从而降低产电。 Activated sludge was taken from wine-bearing wastewater treatment plant of I-Lan Distillery,and membrane-less and mediator-less air-cathode microbial fuel cells(MFC)were constructed.Influence of substrate concentration,electrode space and ionic strength on the performance of MFC was studied.Results indicated that the coulombic efficiency(CE)decreased by 50% with the substrate concentration increased from 300 COD mg/L to 1 000 COD mg/L,but longer period of time to maintain stable power generation was observed at higher initial glucose concentration,with the maximum COD removal efficiency of 92%.At certain electrode space from 18 cm to 9 cm,power was generated higher for reducing internal resistance,and the maximum power density increased from 39.6 mW/m^2 to 73.2 mW/m^2,however the electricity dropped with the extremely shorter distance of 6cm.The best power density was achieved at NaCl concentration of 160 mmol/L,when the salt concentration was much higher,the performance of MFC would get lower as it limited the activity of microorganism attached on the anode biofilm.
出处 《环境科学与技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第9期157-161,共5页 Environmental Science & Technology
基金 吉林省科技厅科技成果转化补助基金项目(20105065)
关键词 微生物燃料电池 基质浓度 电极距离 离子强度 microbial fuel cells(MFC) substrate concentration electrode space ionic strength
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