1989年8月28日,为1例左上臂桡神经缺损长达13.5cm的患者采用了静脉供血的带小隐静脉蒂的腓肠神经游离移植修复,获得了初步疗效,现报道如下。 病 例 介 绍 女,30岁,住院号55887。
A patient with radial nerve defect of 13. 5cmat the left arm was repaired by a free vascularizedperoneal nerve graft with lesser saphenous vein.Forty days after opration, the percussion pain dis-appeared, which indicated that the continuity ofthe nerve had resumed. The Tinel sign was presentdown at the elbow joint. Six months after opera-tion, the nerve had a growth about 20cm whichwas identecal to the normal rate of nerve growth.
Chinese Journal of Reparative and Reconstructive Surgery