
工作设计对员工知识共享行为影响研究:以心理资本为中介变量 被引量:14

Studying on the Impact of Work Design on Staff Knowledge-sharing Behavior: Psychological Capital as an Intermediary Variable
摘要 通过探讨工作设计、心理资本与知识共享行为之间的关系,进而总结分析出组织员工知识共享行为的提升路径。在文献回顾基础上提出研究理论假设模型,运用实证研究对理论假设模型进行验证。通过验证显示,心理资本在工作设计和组织员工知识共享行为之间扮演了部分中介效应功能,工作设计对组织员工知识共享行为有显著正效应。 This paper discusses the relationship between the work design, psychological capital and knowledge-sharing behavior, and then finds the path of creating and enhancing staff knowledge-sharing behavior. Based on reviewing the lit- erature, it proposes the hypothesis research model and verifies it empirically. The result shows that psychological capital plays a role of mediating effect between the work design and staff knowledge-sharing behavior, and the work design has a significant positive effect on staff knowledge sharin~ behavior.
出处 《软科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第9期75-80,共6页 Soft Science
基金 国家社会科学基金重点项目(08AZX010)
关键词 知识共享行为 心理资本 职务设计 中介效应 knowledge-sharing behavior psychological capital work desige mediating effect
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