It is a serious problem for the missile-borne radar when targets and active decoys are in the same range-angle resolution cell, which can greatly reduce the fighting efficiency of the missile. The LS-Relax algorithm is utilized, which is achieved to measure parameters and detection on the joint fields of the Doppler-frequency, angle and complex amplitude. Some researches are done on anti-decoy to increase the fighting efficiency. Those parameters, including Doppler-frequencies, angles, amplitudes and phases, are measured one by one to reconstruct the signals of the target and active decoys. Consequently, the active decoying interference is availably suppressed by this method. Simula- tions are given to validate the efficiency of this approach. On the condition of SNR 〉 15dB, the angle measure error of target is less than 0.1 degree, the coefficient of maladjustment is less than 0.1. Those results indicate the LS-Relax algorithm has a good convergence.
Electronic Information Warfare Technology