According to the analysis of the grain administration, production and distribution systems of Beijie district, Guizhou province, during the Great Leap Forward period, the grain system as a whole was characteristic of "big decision-making power in the central government; minor decision-making power in the provincial governments; and obedience from the governments at the regional district levels and below" with the five-year grain lump work policy (1958- 1963) that was based on the high basic quotas of 1957 as its core. The high procurement quotas during that period was a result of the high basic quotas of the five-year grain lump work policy, which was the outcome of the exaggerated, overestimated total of grain production. When the total grain production fell, an excessive procurement was inevitable. Though the huge procurement was bound to have huge sales, yet huge sales were not complete sales because, under the ranking system of grain distribution, exportation of grain in large quantities resulted in a shortage of grain reservation at local levels, which finally led to the Great Famine.
Chinese Journal of Sociology
the overestimation of the grain production, the ranking system of grain distribution, huge procurement and huge sale