
营销心理健康专业服务——专业心理求助行为研究的应用分析 被引量:7

On the Professional Psychological Help-seeking Behavior by the Case Studyon Professional Services of Marketing Mental Health
摘要 专业心理求助行为是指人们在遇到心理困扰时寻求专业心理健康帮助和服务(心理咨询和治疗)的行为。为解决心理疾病的高患病率和心理疾病患者低专业求助率之间的矛盾,专家学者从个体和社会等多个层面,对专业心理求助行为的影响因素进行了大量研究,已取得了较为丰富的研究成果;但由于欠缺系统性的分析,这些成果尚未被有效地应用于推广专业心理健康服务的实践之中。弥补这一不足的方式之一是借鉴营销原理,依据营销组合(包括产品、价格、地点、推广等四个要素)框架和受众细分观点,从消费者有关专业心理健康服务的知识、与接受服务相关的代价知觉以及对服务地点和形式的偏好等几方面来分析专业心理求助行为的影响因素,在此基础上制定促进人们寻求专业心理健康服务的干预策略。 Professional psychological help - seeking behaviors refer to seeking professional psychological help and utilizing mental health services when suffering mental distress. To resolve the inconsistency between the high morbidity of mental ill- ness and the low ratio to seek professional help, extensive research has been done to examine the factors that might encour- age or inhibit individuals from seeking professional help on both individual and social level. In contrast with the abundant findings, there is little systematical analysis of these findings. This deficiency creates potential limitation to apply research outcomes into promoting mental health services. One solution to fill this lack of knowledge is to draw lessons from marketing principles, using the framework of marketing mix ( i. e. , product, price, place, and promotion) and the idea of audience segmentation, to analyze systematically the factors influencing professional psychological help - seeking behaviors from the following aspects : consumer~ knowledge about mental health services, their cost perception of receiving services, and their preference of service location and form. This systematic analysis can inform the efforts to facilitate the utilization of mental health services.
作者 李强 高文珺
出处 《南开学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第5期124-132,共9页 Nankai Journal:Philosophy,Literature and Social Science Edition
基金 国家社会科学基金项目(06BSH029)
关键词 专业心理求助 营销组合 干预策略 Professional Psychological Help -seeking Marketing Mix Intervention Strategies
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