Chronic pancreatitis is a progressive fibroinflammatory disease with sustained damage of structure and function of pancreatic tissue, which resuhs from a complex mix of causes (eg, alcohol, Biliary diseases), and often exists with intraductal calculi. Pain in the form of recurrent attacks of panereatitis or constant ant/disabling pain is usually the main symptom. Steatorrhoea, diabetes, local complications associated with the disease are additional therapeutic challenges. Combined with a variety of imaging methods such as BUS, CT, ERCP and MRCP, etc. can significantly improve the diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis with panereatie duct stone. Chronic pancreatitis with pancreatic duet stones should be actively treated, of which the focus is to control symptoms, improve function and treatment of eomplications with individual therapy. The appropriate surgery should be perfornled as soon as possible according to distribution of stone when the stone removal is not complete or recrudescent after extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy and endoscopic. completely removing the lesion, taking out all the stones, removing the panereas and bile duct obstruction, fully drainage of pancreatic juice and trying to save the panereatie tissues are the goal of the surgery, which ean significantly improve quality of life of patients.
Chinese Journal of Practical Surgery
chronic pancreatitis
pancreatic duct stone