
基于规则引擎的土壤类型自动检索的研究 被引量:1

The Study on Automatic retrieval for Soil Classification Based on Rule Engine
摘要 定量化的土壤系统分类体系的建立推动了土壤类型自动检索的研究。但以往研究并未关注土壤系统分类体系仍需不断修订的现状,所开发系统的推理代码与知识规则通常互相绑定,当知识规则改变时,推理代码需要重新开发,导致已有的系统被弃用,这阻碍了土壤类型自动检索系统的推广和应用。针对上述问题,以《中国土壤系统分类检索》(第三版)为基础,建立了基于RuleML语言的、可随时修改和扩展的规则库。然后利用规则引擎工具NxBRE,使土壤类型的检索规则与推理过程相分离,知识规则的改变不需要重新编写推理过程代码,并最终实现了土壤类型的自动检索。 The establishment of Soil Taxonomy is a quantitative classification system to motivate the study on automatic retrieval of soil types.But existing studies ignore that the retrieval rules need to be amended continuously.Hence the developed systems which bind the rules and reasoning code tightly would be disposed if the key rules is changed.This obstructs the application of automatic retrieval system for soil classification.Therefore,this paper attempts to utilize the rule engine technique to solve the problem mentioned above.According to the key rules in Chinese Soil Taxonomy(3rd edition),the rule based on the form of RuleML is established,which can be modified and expanded easily.And the automatic retrieval for soil classification is implemented finally with NxBRE.
作者 邱琳 李安波
出处 《土壤通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第5期1031-1034,共4页 Chinese Journal of Soil Science
关键词 土壤分类 土壤类型检索 规则引擎 Soil classification Soil classification retrieval Rule engine
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