
基于居民出行数据的上学接送行为建模研究 被引量:8

Modeling Research on School Companion Behavior by Parents Based on Resident Trip Data
摘要 传统交通模型构建过程中,忽略了上学出行伴随的家长接送行为,可能导致需求分析结果的失真。基于居民出行调查数据,采用二项logistic回归分析方法,建立上学接送行为的概率模型。模型可以基于不同的家庭及个人属性,获得相应的上学接送概率,并定量描述各因素的作用关系,可用于对交通模型的修正及上学接送行为特征的分析。 In the traditional traffic modeling process,parents companion traveling on school trips is usually neglected,which may lead to the distortion results in traffic analysis.Based on household travel survey,this paper studies the school travel model using binary logistic regression analysis method.Results from the model could achieve the parent companion travel ratio on school trips corresponding on the different families and individuals′ properties.Further,the model could describe the interaction between the parent companion travel ratio and various factors.This model can be used to modify demand model and analyze character of school travel behavior.
出处 《交通标准化》 2011年第17期69-73,共5页 Communications Standardization
关键词 居民出行调查 交通模型 出行行为 二项logit回归 resident trip survey traffic model travel behavior binary logistic regression
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