
根管封闭剂研究进展 被引量:5

摘要 根管封闭剂进入核心充填材料无法充填的区域,如某些根管侧支、峡部等不规则区,形成根管内密闭腔隙、提高根尖封闭性,以提高临床成功率。本文就临床常用的根管封闭剂进行综述。 Root canal sealer can penetrate into the irregularities of root canal system such as fins, isthmi, and cul-de-sacs unable to ingress for the core materials, ultimately achieving to hermetically seal root canal system, enhance the apical sealing ability and elevate the clinical successful rateIn this review, we summarized the common used root canal sealer.
出处 《当代医学》 2011年第27期24-25,共2页 Contemporary Medicine
关键词 氧化锌丁香油 氢氧化钙 玻璃离 树脂根管封闭剂 Zinc oxide eugenol sealer Calcium hydroxide sealer Glass ionomer sealer Resin root canal sealer
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