
美国Achieve“测验—标准”一致性分析工具的研究及启示 被引量:5

Research on American Achieve "Test-Standard" Consistency Analysis Tool and Its Implications
摘要 Achieve"测验—标准"一致性分析工具应用非常广泛,促进了美国课程标准编制和测验设计的发展。该工具由向心性、均衡性和挑战性三个维度以及一系列指标体系构成,研究程序包括试题微观分析和综合分析。借鉴该研究工具,有利于构建本土化的"测验—标准"一致性分析模式,评价测验与标准的一致性,指导标准完善及测验的改进。 Achieve "Test-Standard" Consistency Analysis Tool is widely used and it promotes the American curriculum standards development and test designing. Centrality, balance and challenge are the three dimensions of the tool, it is also made up of series of indicators. The research procedure includes micro-analysis and comprehensive analysis on test questions. The introduction and the analysis of this tool can help us to produce the localization of the "Test-Standard" consistency analysis mode, evaluate the consistency of tests and standards and also give the guidance to the improvements of standards and tests.
出处 《教育科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第4期86-90,共5页 Education Science
关键词 标准化测验 课程标准 一致性分析 standardized tests curriculum standard consistency analysis
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