
近海风力发电机桩基础的动力学分析 被引量:1

Dynamic analysis of offshore wind turbine pile foundation
摘要 针对近海风电桩基础的动力学问题,结合实际工程,采用数值软件对独桩基础、导管架基础和高桩墩台基础进行模态和时程分析,得到3种基础的振型图、固有频率、周期及其位移响应曲线.通过分析可知,经过1个周期后3种基础进入稳态振动;同时发现高桩墩台基础的动力放大系数高于独桩基础和导管架基础,但是放大后的位移仍小于后两者,约为它们的一半,因此从风电基础对变形要求的角度考虑,高桩墩台是最理想的近海风电基础. According to the dynamic problems of offshore wind turbine pile foundation, modal analysis and time history analysis are respectively carried out on the single-pile, offshore jacket and high-pile pier by use of numerical software based on practical engineering. Their modal maps, natural frequencies, periods and displacement time curves are obtained. The three foundations are in a steady state vibration after one cycle period by further analysis. The dynamic magnification factor of high-pile pier is greater than the single pile and offshore jacket, but enlarged displacement is still less than that of the single pile and offshore jacket, and is about two foundations displacement of the half by comparison of three foundations under static and dynamic calculations. Therefore, the wind turbine pile foundations should be in a condition of little deformation. The high-pile pier is the best for offshore wind turbine foundation from the point of view of stability and safety.
作者 李武
出处 《水利水运工程学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第3期87-91,共5页 Hydro-Science and Engineering
基金 连云港徐圩港区防波堤新型结构研究
关键词 风电机桩基础 动力学分析 数值模拟 wind turbine pile foundation dynamic analysis numerical simulation
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