As a matter of fact,China's film,with its box-office receipts amounted to ten billion,is facing a new challenge of culture.The outstanding problem lies in such a situation where the market is in bad disorder,losing its self-discipline of culture,thus producing a tendency to the gold standard in the market.While "drawing money" replaces humanistic subjectivity and artistic innovation,the market orientation with the GDP growth as the sole object results in the shortage of humanistic originality as well as the cultural anemia of blockbuster films.Faced with the present state of affaires,what we should worry about is not how much a new GDP is created,but whether or not to use cultural self-discipline and artistic innovation to enhance the ideological connotation and cultural quality of the film so as to complete the transformation of "modern aesthetic experience" in the sense of social tastes.As a cultural product,any film has its spiritual origin and core value,which should be taken as the first consideration.Therefore,it is necessary to shoulder consciously the mission of culture endued by the times and guide a revival of the film industry in the harmonious symbiosis of culture,striving for the grand goal of turning the film industry into the support industry of national economy.
Journal of Shanghai University(Social Sciences Edition)
China's film industry
gold standard in the market
cultural self-discipline
cultural project of "going out"
cultural responsibility in the era