2Richard W.Boss. RFID Technology for Libraries. http://www.ala.org/ala/pla/plapubs/technotes/rfidtechnology.htm, 2005.3.10.
3Laura Smart. Making Sense of RFID. Netconnect, Fall 2004:4-10.
4Molnar David ,David Wagner. Privacy and Security in Library RFID:Issues, Practices, and Architectures. see: Proceedings of the 1 1th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications security. ACM Press,2004.
5Should Librarys Play Tag with RFIDs?. American Libraries, 2003(12):69-71.
6IFLA/UNESCO. Public Library Manifesto: 1994. http://www.ifla.org/Ⅶ/S8/unesco/eng.htm, 2005.3.9.