
发展中的生态现代化理论:阶段、议题与关系网络 被引量:2

Developing Ecological Modernisation Theory:Phase,Issue and Relationship Network
摘要 作为环境社会学理论范式的重要组成部分,生态现代化理论凭借其紧密围绕环境与经济社会发展关系的深入探索逐渐得到越来越多的来自不同国家和社会的关注,日益凸显出相当的理论价值和应用前景。本文从生态现代化理论的发展阶段、议题流变以及网络关系的变化三个方面入手试图廓清对发展中的生态现代化理论的认识,最大限度呈现该理论所特有的生态景观。 As an important part of theoretical paradigms of environmental sociology, ecological modernisation theory has gradually gained attention from different countries and societies due to its deep exploitation of the relationship between environment and economic and societal development, and represents its theoretical value and practical prospect. This paper tries to outline the developing ecological modernisation theory through analyzing the developing stages, the changes of developing issues and relationship networks of ecological modernization, thus fully displaying the eco-landscape of the theory.
作者 马国栋
出处 《中国地质大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第5期41-46,52,共7页 Journal of China University of Geosciences(Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 环境 关系 生态现代化 environment relationship ecological modernisation
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