
荧光化学剂量计在汞离子检测中的应用 被引量:6

Fluorescent Chemodosimeters for Mercury(Ⅱ) Ions Detection
摘要 荧光化学剂量计由于可以和目标分析物发生不可逆的化学反应、对分析物表现出较高的选择性等特点受到了极大的关注.本文将荧光化学剂量计的概念以及近几年来荧光化学剂量计在汞离子检测方面的应用进行了综述,并对今后的发展趋势进行了展望. The development of fluorescent chemodosimeters has recently emerged as an active research area of significant importance. Chemodosimeters are used to detect an analyte through a highly selective and usually irreversible chemical reaction between the dosimeter molecule and the target analyte with high sensitivity and rapid response. Herein, we reviewed the literatures of the last few years covering the chemodosimetric approach for detecting mercury( Ⅱ ) ions.
出处 《影像科学与光化学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第5期321-335,共15页 Imaging Science and Photochemistry
关键词 荧光化学剂量计 汞离子 检测 fluorescent chemodosimeter mercury ions detection
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