
WSN中基于多路径路由的拥塞控制算法 被引量:3

Congestion Control Algorithm Based on Multi-path Routing for WSN
摘要 针对WSN多路径路由的拥塞问题,根据快速转发数据和节能的原则,提出了基于多路径路由的拥塞控制算法(CCAMR),CCAMR包含新路径建立、RBR与RER值获取及新路径撤销算法,通过建立新路径将拥塞区域的流量转移到负载较轻的区域,有利于避免和缓解重度拥塞.仿真结果表明,与CODA相比,CCAMR的丢包率和能耗更低,能够保证多路径路由下带宽分配的公平性,具有更高的拥塞解除效率. Aiming at the congestion problem to principles of fast data forward and energy of the multi-path routing in WSNs, according saving, a Congestion Control Algorithm Based on Multi-path Routing(CCAMR) was put forward, which including the establishing of new path, the getting of RBR and RER and the removing of new path. By establishing a new path, CCAMR transfered the traffic of congestion area to the area with lighter load, this a- void heavier load. Simulation results shows, compared with CODA, the packet loss rate and energy consumption of CCAMR is lower, the efficiency of congestion remove is higher, which can ensure the fairness of bandwidth allocation under the circumstance of the multi- path routing.
出处 《南华大学学报(自然科学版)》 2011年第2期55-58,共4页 Journal of University of South China:Science and Technology
基金 湖南省自然科学基金项目(10JJ9025) 湖南省科技计划项目(2009GK3036) 湖南省教育厅科学研究项目(10C1185 09C1162) 湖南省2009年研究生精品课程项目(KC2009B021)
关键词 WSN 多路径路由 拥塞控制 WSN Multi-path Routing Congestion Control
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