本文提出了一种宽带三角形偶极子微带天线。该天线由平面偶极子,垂直短路片组成,由L型馈线进行馈电。仿真结果表明:该偶极子天线相对带宽达到了70%(VSWR≤2),实现了1.87-3.87 GHz的工作频带,平均增益达到7 dBi,具有稳定的增益和方向图,交叉极化小于-25 dB.
A novel wideband unidirectional antenna composed of planar electric dipole and a shorted patch antenna is presented.The antenna is excited by a L-shaped strip feed line.A wide impedance bandwidth of 70%(SWR≤2) from the frequency of 1.87 to 3.87 GHz is achieved.Stable radiation pattern with low cross-polarization,low backlobe radiation,an antenna gain of ~7dBi is found across the entire operating bandwidth.
Journal of Guizhou University:Natural Sciences