
基于节点状态的无线Mesh网络路由算法 被引量:2

Routing Algorithm in Wireless Mesh Network Based on Node State
摘要 分析动态源路由(DSR)协议,提出一种基于节点状态的路由算法(NSBDSR),并将其作为WAM网络的路由协议。该算法能避免网络中间节点为转发分组而必须保持最新路由的问题,使节点仅维护与之通信的节点路由。在NS-2上的仿真结果表明,NSBDSR能有效降低路由中断概率,增加路由流量,减少网络时延和丢包率。 After analysis of Dynamic Source Routing(DSR) propocol,this paper proposes a Node State-based on DSR Protocol(NSBDSR) which is to be Wireless Mesh Network(WAM) network routing protocol.The node can only maintain the routing of nodes with itself.Using Network Simulator-2 for the simulation,the results indicate that NSBDSR protocol can help to effectively improve Quality of Service(QoS) performances,such as reducing the probability of route breaking and network delay,improving the routing traffic,packet loss rate,the data transmission efficiency.
出处 《计算机工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第17期64-66,共3页 Computer Engineering
基金 重庆市科委重大技术专项基金资助项目(CSTC,2009AB2167)
关键词 无线MESH网络 自组织网络 动态源路由 网络模拟器 服务质量 Wireless Mesh Network(WMN) Ad hoc network Dynamic Source Routing(DSR) network simulator Quality of Service(QoS)
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