
儿童双侧肾母细胞瘤手术治疗的探讨 被引量:4

Surgery management of children with synchronous bilateral wilms' tumor
摘要 目的总结探讨儿童双侧肾母细胞瘤综合治疗的疗效及随访结果。方法回顾性分析我院自1998年8月至2010年8月手术治疗的双侧肾母细胞瘤患儿临床资料。结果7例双侧肾母细胞瘤中,男性患儿3例,女性患儿4例,发病年龄最大21个月,最小6个月,平均年龄(12.71±4.89)个月。临床表现腹部肿块7例(7/7),血尿1例(1/6),贫血2例(2/6),4(4/7)例活检明确病理经术前化疗后手术,3例先手术后化疗,1例化疗2个疗程疾病进展,家属放弃治疗后死亡,5例结束整个疗程随访中,4例带瘤生存,1例随访7个月后残余肿瘤病灶消失,随访时间最长10年,最短10个月,1例术后化疗中,2年存活率85.7%。结论儿童双侧肾母细胞瘤通过手术、化疗及放疗综合治疗,可以带瘤生存。 Objective To retrospective analysis of the results of surgery management for children with bilateral wilms' tumor. Methods Seven patients with bilateral wilms' tumor were enrolled and follow-up from oct. 1998 to oct. 2010. Results The relevant data were collected. There were 3 males and 4 females, The maximal age at diagnosis was 21 months, minimal age was 6 months, average age was 12. 71 ± 4. 89 months. Clinical symptom included abdominal mass (7/7), hematuria (1/6) and anemia (2/6). Four cases underwent operation after preoperative chemotherapy, 3 cases were give adjuvant chemotherapy after operation, 5 cases completed chemotherapy, 1 case died during chemotheraphy. Five cases were followed up, 4 lived with tumor bearing, 1 residual tumor disappeared, The maximal follow-up time was 10 year, minimal follow-up time was 10 months. Two years survival rate was 85.7%. Conehtsions The patients with bilateral wilms' tumor can live with tumor bearing after standardized multidisciplinary treatment.
出处 《中华小儿外科杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第9期655-657,共3页 Chinese Journal of Pediatric Surgery
关键词 肾母细胞瘤 综合疗法 外科手术 Nephroblastoma Combined modality therapy Surgical procedures, operative
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