
逆向物流综合回收问题的建模研究 被引量:5

Modeling the Comprehensive Recovery Problem of Reverse Logistics
摘要 在对逆向物流配送车辆优化调度中的VRPB问题及VRPDP问题分析的基础上,提出了逆向物流综合回收问题;通过对物品未被回收的单位积压惩罚系数、积压惩罚费用、回收物品的硬回收次序及软回收次序等的定义,考虑各物流节点提供的回收物品数量的不确定性,建立了逆向物流综合回收问题的模糊机会约束规划模型;针对逆向物流综合回收问题本身的复杂性,利用模糊等价原理将模糊机会约束规划模型转化为清晰等价形式,并进行了算例分析. Based on the analyzing of vehicle routing problem with backhauls (VRPB) and vehicle routing problem with delivery and pick-up (VRPDP), the comprehensive recovery mode is proposed. The unit overstock penalty coefficient and overstock penalty cost of not recovery goods, the hard recovery order and the soft recovery order are analyzed and their definitions are advanced. By considering the uncertainty of recovery goods quantity, a fuzzy chance-constrained programming (CCP) model of comprehensive recovery mode is established. Considering the complexity of this problem, the CCP model is converted into its crisp equivalents by using fuzzy equal theory. At last,the model is verified to be efficient by a numerical example.
出处 《兰州交通大学学报》 CAS 2011年第4期100-105,共6页 Journal of Lanzhou Jiaotong University
基金 国家自然科学基金(60870008 61064012)
关键词 逆向物流 综合回收 车辆调度 模糊机会约束规划 reverse logistics comprehensive recovery VRP fuzzy chance-constrained programming
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