
企业社会战略的价值链分解及其选择 被引量:1

Decomposition of the Value Chain of Corporate Social Strategy and Its Choice
摘要 企业社会战略是指企业为获取持续竞争优势,实现社会绩效与经济绩效的双赢,在有关社会责任问题上的定位、设计与投资。企业应将社会责任融入到其战略决策中去。立足于价值链分解,企业社会战略分为资源开发型社会战略、成本领先社会战略、差异化社会战略、策略性影响社会战略和市场开拓型社会战略。企业社会战略的选择应考虑产业环境、内部资源和能力以及利益相关者等因素的影响,从而通过做好事使自己受益,创造企业独特的社会责任竞争优势。 The corporate social strategy refers to corporation's positioning, design and investment in social responsibility in order to acquire sustainable competitive advantage and achieve win-win of social and economic performance. In terms of decomposition based on value chain, corporate social strategy can be categorized into resource-development social strategy, cost leadership social strategy, differentiation social strategy, strategic interaction social strategy and market-development social strategy. The factors including industrial environment, internal resources and capabilities, as well as stakeholders should be taken into account in the choice of corporate social strategy.
作者 刘宝
出处 《河北科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 2011年第3期20-26,共7页 Journal of Hebei University of Science and Technology:Social Sciences
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究青年项目(09YJC790009) 安徽省教育厅人文社会科学研究项目(2008sk485)
关键词 企业社会战略 价值链 企业社会责任 选择 corporate social strategy value chain corporate social responsibility choice
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