
立宪君主制时期埃及华夫托党的兴衰及其原因分析 被引量:2

The Rise and fall of Egyptian Wafd Party and Its Causes in the Constitutional Monarchy Period
摘要 华夫托党是一战后英埃矛盾激化、埃及上层社会精英争取民族独立的产物,是立宪君主制时期埃及最重要的民族主义政党。它通过准暴力和协商方式迫使英国于1922年宣布结束保护制度,在1936年签署英埃同盟条约,实现了埃及的实质独立。但限于地主阶级和贵族统治的实质,华夫托党不可能推行民众需要的社会经济改革,并凭借民众力量实现埃及的完全独立,深刻的经济危机和激进民众政治的兴起最终导致华夫托党走向了衰落。 The Wafd Party,as a result of Egyptian elites striving for national independence in the context of Anglo-Egyptian conflict intensified,was the most important nationalist party in the constitutional monarchy era,which made British declare the end of the Protectorate in 1922 and an alliance treaty be signed in1936 to empower Egypt the virtual independence by means of semi-military or negotiation.However,owning to his class nature,the Wafd could not pursue the reform policies the masses needed or depend on their strength to realize the full national independence.Finally,grave economy crisis and thereafter the rise of radical masses politics brought decline of the Wafd.
作者 谢志恒
出处 《河南师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第5期163-167,共5页 Journal of Henan Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点基地重大项目(2009JJD770023)
关键词 埃及 华夫托党 政党政治 社会变动 Egypt constitutional monarchy the Wafd Party party politics socio-economic change
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