
利用Box-Benhnken设计优化糯玉米汁加工工艺 被引量:4

Optimization of Processing Technic for Waxy Corn Beverage by Box-Benhnken Design
摘要 运用Box-Benhnken模型对糯玉米汁澄清工艺进行研究。结果表明:(1)糖化效果的影响因子主次顺序为:糖化温度>糖化时间>加酶量,分别达到0.1%,1%和5%显著水平;pH对糖化效果影响不显著。(2)利用响应面和等高线分析得出加工工艺的回归拟合方程,结果表明回归模型准确有效。(3)糖化酶0.045%、糖化时间3 h、糖化温度60℃、pH值4.5条件下糖化,随后按1︰10料水比稀释,最终以10 000 r/min离心10 min,据此可实现最佳澄清效果。 The result of research with waxy corn beverage by Box-Benhnken model indicates that:(1)The order of factors which affect the saccharification is as following: temperaturetimeamount of enzyme,indicating significance at 5%,1% and 0.1% probability levels,respectively.There is no significance effect of pH.(2)The regression equation model of processing technic by mean of response surface and isohypse line has a great accuracy.(3)Optimization of processing technic for waxy corn beverage can be achieved as following steps: Be saccharified at 60 ℃ for 3 h by 0.045% saccharifying enzyme as well as in pH 4.5 condition,then dilution by 1︰10 proportion of material and water,following with centrifuging at 10 000 r/min for 10 min.
出处 《食品工业》 CAS 北大核心 2011年第9期32-36,共5页 The Food Industry
关键词 糯玉米 糖化 Box-Benhnken 响应面 waxy corn saccharification Box-Benhnken response surface
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