
连续流发酵条件下不同发酵类型产氢细菌的产氢特性分析 被引量:3

Effects of factors on fermentative hydrogen producing bacteria of different types by continuous flow test
摘要 运用连续流实验装置,考察了E.harbinense YUAN-3,C.butyricum1.209和E.cloacae 1.2022在其各自的优化培养基条件下产氢能力.对反应体系pH值、累积产气及产氢量、产氢速率、比产氢速率及液相末端产物进行了对比分析.结果表明:C.butyricum1.209的繁殖速度很快,pH值在3.6~4.3之间,有利于乙醇发酵和丁酸发酵产氢细菌的释氢;发酵80h的时间里,E.harbinense YUAN-3在最短的时间内开始产气,并且在较短时间内上升,随后保持稳定;从单位体积产氢量上来看,C.butyricum1.209相对于E.harbinense YUAN-3和E.cloacae 1.2022都显示较强的优势. Continuous flow test device was adopted so that analyses and comparisons were made on the hydrogen-generating capacity of E.harbinense YUAN-3,C.butyricum 1.209 and E.cloacae 1.2022 under their respective optical culture conditions.The following conclusion was arrived at through analyses and comparisons on biomass of cells,pH value of reaction system,accumulated volume of gases and hydrogen generated,hydrogen-generating speed,specific hydrogen-generating speed,and products at the end of liquid phase:C.butyricum 1.209 multiplied rapidly;pH value within 3.6~4.3 was beneficial for the hydrogen-release of alcoholic fermentative bacteria and butyric acid fermentative bacteria;E.harbinense YUAN-3 began to generate gases within the shortest time in the first 80 h of fermentation,and the yield of gases rose within a short time and then it kept stable;however,C.butyricum 1.209 was superior to E.harbinense YUAN-3 and E.cloacae 1.2022 in hydrogen yield per unit volume,utilization rate of glucose and hydrogen content.
出处 《东北师大学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第3期106-111,共6页 Journal of Northeast Normal University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 城市水循环过程中污染物转化规律与安全保障基础研究项目(50638020) 中国博士后科学基金资助项目(AUGA41309045) 黑龙江省博士后基金资助项目(AUGA41100165)
关键词 生物制氢 乙醇发酵 丁酸发酵 混合酸发酵 biohydrogen production ethanol-type fermentation butyric acid fermentative mixed acid fermentative
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