
共口径多波段复合场景仿真技术 被引量:3

Common aperture combination simulation technology for multi-spectral scene
摘要 以多波段光学成像制导武器系统的半实物仿真需求为牵引,探讨多波段多目标复杂场景仿真系统的实现方法,包括多波段投影系统和目标大视线角显示系统,重点研究了共口径多波段投影系统的设计方法。通过采用可见光投影系统、近红外投影系统、中波红外投影系统和长波红外投影系统分别产生各单波段仿真场景,经过反射式耦合光学系统将各波段场景进行复合与输出,再由目标大视线角显示系统的机械运动形成大视线角的仿真。完成了整个多波段投影光学系统的设计,设计结果表明,文中的技术途径可行,像差结果能够满足使用要求。该系统具有宽波段、多目标、大出瞳距、大视线角仿真等特点,为建立复杂光电对抗环境的半实物仿真系统提供了理论基础。 Under the hardware-in-the-loop requirements for the advanced multi-spectral optical and infrared imaging guidance weapon system, the methods to construct a multi-spectral and multi-target complex scene simulation system were discussed. The simulation system included multi-spectral projection and wide line-of-sight angle display system. Common aperture design method of multi-spectral projection was studied. A reflective coupling optical system was used to receive the multi-spectral scenes generated from visible projection, near-infrared projection, mid-infrared projection and far-infrared projection system, and then input the scenes into the wide line-of-sight angle display system to simulate the large angle of line-of-sight. Optical design for the whole multi-spectral projection was completed. The optical design results show that the approaches used in this paper are feasible and the aberration is acceptable. The design of this optical system which is multi-spectral, multi-target, wide field of view, long exit pupil relief and large exit pupil diameter, can provide basis for the build of complex EO countermeasure environment hardware-in-the-loop simulation facilities.
出处 《红外与激光工程》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2011年第9期1629-1633,共5页 Infrared and Laser Engineering
基金 国防科技重点实验室基金(9140C6002100803)
关键词 多波段 光学成像 光电对抗 场景仿真 半实物仿真 multi-spectral optical image EO countermeasure scene simulation hardware-in-the-loop
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