
肺叶切除术患者不同通气模式下每搏量变异度的变化 被引量:6

Changes in stroke volume variation monitored by,FloTrac/Vigileo system during mechanical ventilation in patients undergoing pulmonary lobectomy
摘要 目的探讨肺叶切除术患者不同通气模式下每搏量变异度(SVV)的变化。方法择期行肺叶切除术患者44例,年龄44~64岁,体重47~86kg,ASA分级Ⅰ或Ⅱ级。采用noTrac压力换能器及Vigileo心输出量监测仪持续监测CI、每搏量指数(SVI)和SVV。术中补液速率6.8ml·kg^-1·h^-1(晶胶比1:1)维持血容量。于仰卧位双肺通气5min(T1)、侧卧位双肺通气2min(T2)、单肺通气开胸前(T3)、单肺通气开胸后5min(T4)、50min(T5)、单肺通气+PEEP5cmH2O1min(T6)、15min(T7)、肺复张前(T8)、肺复张即刻(T9)和肺复张后1min(T10)时记录SVV、CI和SVI。SVV〈13%为正常值。结果患者术中血液动力学平稳,CI和SVI均在正常范围内波动。T9时SVV〉13%,其余各时间点均〈13%。SVVT2,3之间差异无统计学意义,T5~7之间差异均无统计学意义(P〉0.05);T9时SVV较T8.10时升高(P〈0.01)。结论肺叶切除术中,单肺通气以及单肺通气联合PEEP5cmH10时SVV可用于指导液体治疗的判断,而在肺复张时SVV不能指导液体治疗。 Objective To investigate the changes in stroke volume variation (SVV) monitored by FloTrac/ Vigileo system during mechanical ventilation in patients undergoing pulmonary lobectomy. Methods Forty:four ASA Ⅰ or Ⅱ patients aged 44-64 yr weighing 47-86 kg undergoing elective pulmonary lobectomy performed under general anesthesia were studied. Blood volume was maintained by fluid ( crystalloid : colloid 1 : 1 ) infusion at a rate of 6-8 ml. kg-1.h-1. Cardiac output index (CI), stroke volume index (SVI) and SVV were measured based on arterial pressure wave form analysis by FloTrac/Vigileo System (Edwards Co. , USA) and recorded at following time points: at 5 min of two-lung ventilation (TLV) in supine position, 2 min TLV in lateral position, during one-lung ventilation (OLV) before thoracotomy, at 5 and 30 min of OLV after thoracotomy, 1 and 15 rain OLV + PEEP of 5 em H:2O, before and immediately and 1 rain after reflation of the remaining lobes. The normal value for SVV is less than 13% .Results The hemodynamic parameters were stable during lobeetomy. CI and SVI were within normal range. SVV was less than 13% at all time points except that at immediately after reflation of the remaining lobes. Conclusion SVV obtained with FloTrac/Vigileo system can be used to guide fluid therapy during OLV in mechan- ically ventilated patients undergoing pulmonary lobectomy.
出处 《中华麻醉学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第7期844-846,共3页 Chinese Journal of Anesthesiology
基金 基金项目:上海市级医院适宜技术联合开发推广应用项目(SHDC12010222) 上海市胸科医院科技发展基金(Y209-24)
关键词 每搏输出量 呼吸 人工 肺切除术 Stroke volume Respiratlon, artificial Pneumonectomy
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