
江苏省吕四港渔民艾滋病/性病高危行为流行病学研究 被引量:3

High-risk behaviors related to AIDS/STDs infections among fishermen in Lv-si harbor, Jiangsuprovince
摘要 目的了解江苏省吕四港地区渔民艾滋病,陛病相关高危行为,分析其影响因素。方法以横断面调查方法收集目标人群的人口学信息、艾滋病,性病高危行为及潜在影响因素等信息,采用非条件logistic回归分析高危行为的影响因素。结果共有817名渔民参与调查。临时性行为和商业性行为是渔民感染艾滋病广陛病的主要高危行为,报告率分别为18.1%和28.9%。渔民高危性行为的危险因素:流动性(OR=1.516,P=0.038)、平时性生活频次高(OR=1.422,P=0.002)、离异或丧偶婚姻状态等(OR=7.527,P=0.014);保护因素有饮酒少(OR=0.803,P=0.053)、无性病史(OR=0.268,P=0.001)、初次性行为≥22岁(OR=0.440,P=0.000)、不接受多性伴(OR=O.662,P=0.023)和商业性行为合法化的态度(OR=0.612,P=0.007)。结论渔民中存在着感染艾滋病/性病的风险;临时性行为与商业性行为是常见的高包行为。 Objective To investigate the high-risk behaviors related to acquared immunedeficiency syndrome/sexually transmitted disease (AIDS/STDs) infection among fishermen in Lv-si harbor, Jiangsu province. Methods A cross-sectional study was designed to investigate the research participants' demographic characteristics, high-risk behaviors that related to AIDS/STDs. Logistic regression was performed to measure the associations between potential risk factors and reported potential high-risk sexual behavior. Results 817 fishermen participated in the study and casual or commercial sex activities appeared to be the main high-risk behavior for AIDS/STDs infection in the target population. The rates of casual and commercial sex reported were 18.1% and 28.9% among fishermen. Risk factors associated with AIDS/STDs related high-risk behaviors among fishermen were high mobility (OR= 1.516, P=0.038), higher lifetime sex frequency (OR= 1.422, P=0.002) and unmarried status (OR=7.527, P=0.014). Protective factors against high-risk behaviors were low intake of alcohol (OR=0.803, P=0.053) , negative STD history (OR=0.268, P=0.001) , age of initial sexual intercourse at or older than 22 years (OR=0.440, P= 0.000) of age, as well as negative attitude toward multiple sexual partners (OR=0.662, P=0.023) and legitimation for commercial sex (OR=0.612, P=0.007). Conclusion There were risk behaviors of AIDS/STDs in those infected fishmen. Casual and commercial sex were common high-risk behaviors.
出处 《中华流行病学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第10期991-995,共5页 Chinese Journal of Epidemiology
基金 江苏省卫生厅预防医学课题(YZ201018)
关键词 艾滋病/性病 渔民 高危行为 流行病学 Acquired immune deficiency syndrome/sexually transmitted disease Fishermen Risk behavior Epidemiology
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