
聚铝硅氧烷对聚碳酸酯阻燃性能的影响 被引量:1

Influence of Polyaluminosiloxane on Flame Retardancy of PC
摘要 采用水解缩合法制备了聚铝硅氧烷阻燃剂。应用热失重分析、锥形量热分析和极限氧指数测试研究了聚铝硅氧烷对聚碳酸酯(PC)热性能和阻燃性能的影响。结果表明,聚铝硅氧烷可降低PC的热降解速率,提高残炭量;添加5%(质量分数,下同)的聚铝硅氧烷可使PC的极限氧指数从25.5%提高到29.4%,火灾性能指数提高近2.5倍,并且显著降低了燃烧过程中产生的烟、热及CO、CO2等有害气体的释放量,有效提高了PC的阻燃性能。 Polyaluminosiloxane was synthesized through cohydrolysis condensation reaction, which was used as a flame retardant in polycarbonate (PC). The flame retardant behavior of the system was studied by thermogravimetric analysis, limited oxygen index, and cone calorimeter analysis. It was found that the polyaluminosiloxane could reduce the decomposition rate of PC and increase the amount of degradation residue during combustion. Adding 5 mass % of polyaluminosiloxane into PC, the limited oxygen index of PC increased from 25.5 %to 29.4%, and the fire performance index of PC increased by 2. 5 times. Moreover, the addition of polyaluminosiloxane significantly decreased the heat release rate and the emission of CO, CO2, and smoke during the combustion.
出处 《中国塑料》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第9期38-42,共5页 China Plastics
基金 浙江省公益性技术应用研究计划项目(2011C31047)
关键词 聚碳酸酯 聚铝硅氧烷 阻燃性能 热性能 polycarbonate polyaluminosiloxane flame retardancy thermal property
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