
构造基于互联网的可信软件生产服务系统 被引量:1

Construction of Internet-Based Trustworthy Software Production Service System
摘要 基于互联网构造可信软件的大规模协作开发环境是近年来软件工程领域的热点。对当前若干典型软件协作开发方法和技术进行了分析,参考人类社会生产概念体系,提出了一种面向互联网的可信软件生产框架,对可信软件生产的概念、生产要素、生产活动和生产方式进行了系统的分类和阐述,给出了基本生产过程和核心生产要素组织方法。结合国家863重点项目软件成果"可信的国家软件资源共享与协同生产环境(Trustie)",分析了该可信软件生产框架在软件资源共享、协作开发和可信评估等方面的机理和有效性。 Construction of Internet-based large scale collaborative developing environment for trustworthy software is a hot research topic in software engineering. This paper analyzes current related software collaborative developing methods and technologies. Based on the conceptual system of human social production, it also proposes an Internet- oriented production framework for trustworthy software, defines the concepts, key factors, activities and modes of trustworthy software production, and discusses the fundamental production processes and the organization method of software production factors. The effectiveness of the framework is analyzed with Trustie (trustworthy software tools and integration environment), a national trustworthy software resource sharing and collaborative production environment developed by a national 863 grand project.
出处 《计算机科学与探索》 CSCD 2011年第10期880-890,共11页 Journal of Frontiers of Computer Science and Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金No.60903043 国家高技术研究发展计划(863)No.2007AA010301~~
关键词 可信软件 证据组合 开源软件 可信软件生产工具与集成环境(Trustie) trustworthy software evidence composition open source software trustworthy software tools and integration environment (Trustie)
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