目的研究尖吻蝮(Deinagkistrodon acutus)幼蛇在人工养殖过程中的技术难关,探讨尖吻蝮幼蛇生长缓慢的原因,以提高幼蛇的成活率和生长率。方法采用湖南省永州市野生尖吻蝮种蛇产卵孵化的幼蛇,在原产地永州与非原产地广西南宁进行幼蛇的人工饲养对比实验,观察在不同地域人工饲养的尖吻蝮幼蛇的生长速度。结果尖吻蝮幼蛇在本地及异地人工饲养均获得成功,尤其以南宁人工饲养的幼蛇最为明显,2010年9月饲养至2011年8月,幼蛇均重从(13.8±1.8)g增长至(198.8±80.6)g,最重的个体体重达350 g。两地饲养的幼蛇均可自行捕食中华蟾蜍、老鼠及活小鸡、鸭苗,仅用1年时间将野生尖吻蝮子代幼蛇人工饲养成功。结论尖吻蝮幼蛇在本地及异地人工饲养是可行的。
Objective Research the technical difficulties of the snakelets of Deinagkistrodon acutus in the artificial breeding process,to find out the reasons for the slow growth of the baby snake, in order to improve the survival rate. Methods The wild Deinagkistrodon acutus from Yongzhou city lay eggs hatch the young snake,with different places of origin Yongzhou and Nanning for feeding,observed under artificial breeding conditions the young of Deinagkis trodon acutus in different geographical environments growth rate. Results The young snakes feeding in the local and remote are to be successful, particularly in Nanning city keeping the most obvious, the original baby snakes are more important than September 2010, measured from (13.8±1.8)g feeding to August 2011 increased to (198.8±80.6)g,the most weight 350 g,are free to prey toads, rats and chickens,just one year will be the wild child offspring of Deinagteistrodon acutus domestication and breeding success. Conclusion The snakelets of Deinagleistrodon acutus farmed locally and off-site is feasible.
Journal of Snake
Deinagkistrodon acutus
baby snake
artificial breeding