CaBi2Nb2O9 (CBNO) ceramics was prepared at 1050℃ using regular flake-like CBNO powders as the precursor, and synthe-sized by the molten salts synthesis method. The tropism degree and microstructure of the ceramics were analyzed, and the die-lectric, ferroelectric and piezoelectric properties were characterized. Compared with conventional methods, the properties of CBNO ceramics by the new preparation method were found to be better. As the sinter temperature decreases, the grain growth becomes regular with textured features. The polarization process becomes easy to be realized at room temperature. Moreover, the dielectric loss decreases and the piezoelectric constant increases significantly.
CaBi2Nb2O9 (CBNO) ceramics was prepared at 1050℃ using regular flake-like CBNO powders as the precursor, and synthe-sized by the molten salts synthesis method. The tropism degree and microstructure of the ceramics were analyzed, and the die-lectric, ferroelectric and piezoelectric properties were characterized. Compared with conventional methods, the properties of CBNO ceramics by the new preparation method were found to be better. As the sinter temperature decreases, the grain growth becomes regular with textured features. The polarization process becomes easy to be realized at room temperature. Moreover, the dielectric loss decreases and the piezoelectric constant increases significantly.
supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (50632030 & 10804130)