The Constitution of the Communist Party of China adopted at the Eighth National Congress of the Party on September 26,1956 is the first Party Constitution enacted by the Communist Party of China after the founding of the People's Republic of China.The series of changes in situations and tasks posed after the Party began to govern are sufficiently expressed and implemented in the "Eighth Congress" Party Constitution.The revision of the Party Constitution began on September 1955.As a member of the revision and the revision report draft committee on the Party Constitution,Hu Qiaomu undertook the task in the entire course of Party Constitution revision and Party Constitution report draft and attended many Central Committee meetings.According to instructions from Mao Zedong,Liu Shaoqi,Deng Xiaoping and other leaders,and views from meeting discussions and massive solicitation,he revised the Party Constitution for quite a few times.
Journal of China Executive Leadership Academy Yan’an
Hu Qiaomu
revision of the Party Constitution
draft of the report on the Party Constitution